26% decline in sales of homes in January-March in top-9 cities of the country: report


New Delhi The economic slowdown and the outbreak of the corona virus have had a major impact on the sale of homes. According to a report, the sales of houses in 9 major cities of the country declined by 26 percent during the months of January to March. According to Prop Tiger’s report, housing brokerage companies said a total of 69,235 units were sold in the quarter ended March. Whereas in the same period last year, a total of 93,936 units were sold.

Along with the decline in sales of homes, there has been a huge decline in new launching. It is about half left. According to the report, there were 35,668 new launches in the March quarter. Whereas in the same period a year ago, the number was 72,932. Other brokerages and consultancies have also reported a drop in sales by 30 to 40 percent in the first three months of the year 2020.

Dhruv Aggarwal, group CEO of Housing.com, Makan.com and PropTiger.com, said, “Corona virus is clearly showing a bad effect on the sale of homes in the last quarter of the last financial year, as usually in March sales terms It is a big month. ‘

According to the data, the sale of homes has taken place in all 9 major cities, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Noida. Talking about Maharashtra, the sale of houses in Mumbai fell by 14 per cent to 23,969 units. Apart from this, the sale of houses has decreased by 15 percent in Pune, 36 percent in Ahmedabad, 24 percent in Bangalore, 23 percent in Chennai and 39 percent in Hyderabad.


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