27 June: Scientists claimed that smoking causes lung cancer


A scientific report for the first time on this day 63 years ago claimed a direct relationship between smoking and lung cancer.

According to the World Health Organization, 9 out of every 10 people who consume tobacco get addicted to it at the age of 18 years. Every year 80 lakh people die due to its consumption. Covid-19 (Covid-19) also has a reduced ability to relieve infection. According to an estimate, 40 million children around the age of 15 in the world are intoxicated by tobacco. This also increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, decreased body immunity and miscarriage in pregnant women. Eating tobacco damages lung cells.

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Claimed 63 years ago
In fact, in a special report of the Medical Research Council of Britain, published on 27 June 1957, for the first time it was stated that smoking is the direct cause of lung cancer. Before reaching these results, researchers tried to find the reason for the increasing number of people who died of lung cancer in the last twenty-five years. Analyzing this data, it was found that a large number of these affected people smoked. At that time, this claim of researchers was rejected by many companies making cigarettes and other tobacco products. Many said that it was just a ‘matter of perspective’ is. The report found that the death rate of people who died of lung cancer in 1945 was only 188 out of 1 million people. After ten years, this death rate had almost doubled to 388. In order to reach these results, facts were gathered from several researches conducted in six countries at that time. All this showed a direct correlation between the number of cigarette smokers and the increasing mortality rate.

Remove tobacco products from home and office. Keep candy, chewing gum, fennel or chocolate nearby so that you can eat when summoned. Continue to reduce tobacco-related habits from daily routine. Lung cancer kills thousands of lives every year and health experts have found evidence that establishes its deep connection with smoking. Apart from this, the consumption of tobacco also increases the risk of many heart diseases and strokes. The World Health Organization estimates that by the end of 2020, the number of deaths worldwide will reach about one crore.



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