4 Types of new work permits issued for UAE employees, major changes in rules

4 Types of new work permits issued for UAE employees, major changes in rules
4 Types of new work permits issued for UAE employees, major changes in rules

UAE government announces 4 new types of work permits: The UAE government announced 4 new types of work permits for federal employees.

These include working on site, Intensive working hours, Hybrid work in which work will have to be done at home as well as on site. Apart from this, remote work has also been announced.

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Let us tell that last year the new labor law has been approved in UAE. This decision was taken to increase the productivity of the employees and reduce the workload.

The help of this type of employment pattern has been taken – Full-time employment: This type of pattern requires the employee to work all official working hours on all working days for a single federal organization.

On the other hand, talking about part time, the employee has to work for a selected time or day for the federal institution. In a temporary contract, one has to work in the official working hours of all working days but it is a temporary contract.

It provides services for student training, employment permits and work permits. Apart from this, this work permit is also given to Golden Visa holders.

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