Abu Dhabi Police warns against buying video games from fake websites


The General Command of Abu Dhabi Police called on parents to double their supervision of their children during the summer vacation to protect them from the dangers of cybercrimes.

I warned General Command of Abu Dhabi Police From purchase Electronic games From fake and unreliable sites that may lure customers into fraud operations by stealing their money through their bank cards or bank accounts, and dealing only with reliable sites that apply secure controls, and using a bank card with a limited balance so that children are not exposed to fraud and hacking, which leads to deducting monthly amounts from the bank card.

The General Command of Abu Dhabi Police, as part of the “Safe Summer” campaign, called on parents to double their supervision of their children during the summer vacation to protect them from the dangers of cybercrimes.

Abu Dhabi Police stressed the importance of guiding children on the safe electronic use of their devices and choosing appropriate games for them, to protect them from the risks of blackmail and abuse via websites, social media and electronic games, such as bullying, threats, harassment and luring children into sharing their photos and data and involving them in immoral activities, pointing out the need to reduce the time allowed for playing electronic games, and exploiting the summer period to enjoy and spend useful time with them by practicing activities and hobbies aimed at honing their mental abilities and building their sound personalities.



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