Acciona completes final tests at Qatar SWRO desalination plant

Acciona completes final tests at Qatar SWRO desalination plant
Acciona completes final tests at Qatar SWRO desalination plant

Spanish infrastructure major Acciona said the operations will be launched soon at the sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant at Umm Al Houl in Qatar following the completion of the final tests ahead of schedule.

The Umm Al Houl Expansion (UHP Expansion) is part of a bigger Independent Water & Power project (IWPP) that includes an existing SWRO facility.

Acciona said with the expansion, the twin RO desalination plants will produce a total of 564 million litres per day, making it the biggest desalination plant in Qatar using Reverse Osmosis technology. The complex will supply drinking water to 1.1 million people.

UHP Expansion has recently achieved an important health and safety milestone at the plant, having overseen 10 million working hours without lost-time injuries.

With completion of the project in just 22 months, the project has also set a construction record in the world of desalination. This is the third RO desalination plant that Acciona has completed in Qatar.

The Spanish group had been responsible for the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of the UHP Expansion.

“This milestone is the result of good teamwork between the client, our engineers and the construction teams in challenging conditions because of the Covid-19 pandemic,” stated José Francisco García Jorge, UHP Expansion Project Director.


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