Advertisement of Cocacola will not be seen for next one month, know the reason behind the decision

  • Coca-Cola decided not to advertise on any social media platforms for a month (Cocacola bans Advt For 1 month)
  • Decision taken in viNew Delhi: Hindustan Lever (HUL) recently removed the word Fair from Love & Lovely Cream. After this decision of the company, now Coca-Cola, a company of soft drinks, has decided not to advertise on any social media platforms for a month (Cocacola bans Advt For 1 month). The company says they need to think and review a bit to deal with racist content related incidents. This is the reason why the company has banned advertisements for a month (no more cocacola advt on social media).The rule of Atal Pension Yojana, with a monthly pension of 5000 rupees, is changing from July 1, you will also be affected

    Let us tell you that this decision of the company may cause a huge loss to the company, but the company has made it clear that, considering the need of the moment, they have decided to implement this decision.In his statement, James Quinney, chairman and CEO of the Coca-Cola (Cocacola) company, has said that there is no place for racist content in the world nor on social media. He said that social media companies need to become more accountable and transparent.

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    Along with this, she has clarified that ‘break’ does not mean that she is joining the African-American movement started in the past, but we will consider rescheduling our advertising policies (Cocacola will Review its Advt) , Will see if it needs modification. The company says that the purpose of this entire exercise is to stop hate groups on social media.

    Many companies are doing social media boycott – Due to the content related to racial discrimination, many companies are currently distancing themselves from platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Unilever also announced that by the end of this year For Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will make all kinds of distance and no publicity will be allowed on these platforms so that elections are not polarized. While Facebook took steps on this matter Having said that soon they will ban hate-spreading content by making it a big category and ban it on their platform.

    ew of Racist content


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