AED TO PKR, 15th December: Today UAE Dirham Rate In Pakistan


KARACHI: The buying rate of the UAE Dirham (AED TO PKR) was Rs 43 while its selling rate was Rs 43.67 in Pakistan’s currency market on Tuesday, December 15th.

UAE TO PKR Rate In Pakistan

Check the updated rate of UAE dirham to Pakistan Rupee (Updated 15th, December 2020)

What is the rate of Dirham to PKR today?

Dirham to PKR buying rate is Rs 43 & Selling Rate is Rs. 43.67

Dirham to PKR Rate – UAE Dirham to Pakistani Rupees – Looking for Dirham to PKR Rate Today? BOL News provides updated currency Rates in Pakistan. 1 Dirham to PKR or 1 Riyal to PKR rate fluctuates on daily basis.

1 UAE Dirham to Pakistani Rupee = 43.67

1 AED 43.67 PKR



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