Announcement of registration for vaccine in Saudi Arabia, migrants, citizens, everyone will get vaccine for free, all will soon be normal


Saudi Arabia has achieved a new achievement regarding Coronavirus. Saudi Arabia’s doctor Mohammed Al Abdul Ali, who is the spokesman of the Health Ministry of Saudi Arabia, said that we are going to announce registration soon in Saudi Arabia about the coronavirus vaccine.

In the information given in front of the press, he said that we are committed to every single life in Saudi Arabia and our partnership has been with the election companies and we have made it to the supply chain for storage as well as distribution.

We will soon start giving vaccines to every single person in Saudi Arabia. Let me tell you that Saudi Arabia has confirmed that it will provide vaccine to all citizens and migrant workers living in Saudi Arabia equally free so that Saudi Arabia can be declared completely coronavirus free.

Talking about the world, the work of teaching has started in the United Kingdom, while speaking of Rasiya, it has also started to engage people on a large scale.

It is expected that by April-May, life will start running normally again and will start moving at a rapid pace in the entire economy of the world.

Also Read: Good news: Saudi Arabia arrives corona vaccine, preparations to be given to these workers first


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