Australia will strengthen its fleet of fighter jets with army deployment in readiness to surround China



  • Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison has announced the purchase of new weapons for the military.
  • Australia will increase its deployment to many important places in the Asia Pacific region, the US will support it in this task.
  • Canberra China is now ganging up with several countries. India, USA and now Australia are also opposing his tricks. Australia is now trying to strengthen its forces in the Indo-Pacific region, troubled by cybe attacks and economic siege. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the purchase of new weapons for the military. In addition, in the Asia Pacific region, Australia will increase its deployment in many important places.Super Hornet fighter will strengthen aircraft fleetOn Wednesday, PM Morison announced that Australia would further strengthen its fleet of Super Hornet fighter jets. With this, it will change the defense strategy for the purchase of long-range anti-ship missiles. Australia has taken such a step towards protecting allies, allies and the mainland.

    Preparations to buy hypersonic missile

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    As part of the new announcement, Australia is looking at the purchase of a long range surface-to-surface missile and surface-to-air missile that can be launched from this ground. It is preparing to negotiate with the United States for the purchase of hypersonic missiles. The United States will prove to be Australia’s biggest facilitator in the Asia Pacific region.

    Australia is afraid of this

    According to Australian media reports, China and North Korea have tested several long-range missiles in recent times. Many of them are capable of hitting 5500 kilometers. Australia needs to make this purchase in terms of defense.

    Tensions in Australia and China peak

    Surrounded by Australia’s questions about the Corona virus, China has begun to impose economic sanctions on it. Recently the Chinese government has advised its citizens not to go to Australia. Not only this, China has also banned many goods imported from Australia.


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