Big News! 20 workers arrested in Oman, caught during investigation campaign on labor law charges

20 workers arrested in Oman, caught during investigation campaign on labor law charges
20 workers arrested in Oman, caught during investigation campaign on labor law charges

Oman: The screening process against expatriates living and working illegally in Oman has been intensified by the security authorities. More than 15 expatriates have been arrested for flouting rules in Muscat Governorate. The accused have been accused of violating labor law.

Investigation is being done in collaboration with the municipality

Let us tell you that the Ministry of Labor is conducting investigations with the municipality and such people are being caught who are living illegally or working illegally. In view of this, the employees of the municipality along with the security officials are looking for such people.

In Muscat Governorate, during the investigation campaign, 20 workers have been arrested who have been accused of labor law violations.

The ministry has said that the investigation is on in this matter and the accused will be punished appropriately. Many types of clothes and accessories have also been recovered from the accused.


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