Carbon emissions decline in many countries including India after Lockdown, NASA report reveals



  • A 40–50 percent decrease in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels was observed, satellite data is from Delhi and Mumbai from March 25 to April 20.
  • The report is based on changes in air, water quality, climate change, economic activity and agriculture based on data from satellites.

Washington Corona virus prevention (Coronavirus) was imposed lockdown (Lockdown) in March in India. During this period a large number of population remained imprisoned in their homes for several months. Due to which there has been a decline in the level of pollution. According to the NASA report, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in many countries including India have been very low.

Prepared a report about change

The United States of America (NASA), the European Space Agency ISA (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Jaxa (JAXA) have together for the first time produced a report about the change in the environment during the lockdown. Agencies have made these reports based on data from satellites on changes in air, water quality, climate change, economic activity and agriculture.

Taskforce Formation

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According to NASA, the agencies set up a taskforce in April for this. During this time tried to check the changing patterns of the Earth. Preliminary studies suggest that lockdown slowed carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. The story is somewhat similar in New Delhi and Mumbai. Carbon dioxide enrichment remained small in the month of February. In this process, NASA has prepared data of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every year. Based on this, the report is prepared.

Tracked carbon emissions

NASA’s orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 satellite and Sanitary Gosat observing Japan’s greenhouse gases track changes in carbon dioxide emissions in Mumbai, Beijing, Tokyo and New York. The result has been small, around 0.5 parts per million, or 0.125 percent reduction in carbon dioxide in each region.

Significant improvement in air quality

The taskforce observed a significant drop in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels due to reduced traffic and industrial activity during the three-month lockdown. Satellite data shows a 40–50 percent decrease in nitrogen dioxide levels in Delhi and Mumbai between March 25 and April 20. However, this level was not seen across India. The task force said air pollution was less due to lockdown in select cities like New Delhi and Mumbai.

Seen massive changes

Scientist of Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at NASA, Pawan Gupta told how the reduction of pollution has been observed in India. According to him, the atmosphere has seen massive changes due to the lockdown. Never before has such a low level of air pollution been seen in the upper region of North India. After the lockdown, some areas received rain since March 27. This brought down the aerosols present in the air. These are microscopic particles made of liquid and solids, which cause damage to lungs and heart. Visibility decreases due to aerosol.


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