Changing the name of insurance policy to win 30 thousand rupees, just have to do this work

  • IRDAI has issued a notification to ask the general public to suggest three insurance policy names.
  • IRDAI will be given a reward of 10 Thousand rupees per name to whichever name they will Delhi. If you are at home because of the corona virus and working under Work from Home and you have a lot of time to think, then get ready for your mind workout and find three such names and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Send to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India. If IRDAI likes the name then you will get a chance to win 10 thousand rupees. In fact, IRDA has proposed to suggest the name of its three insurance policies. The special thing is that if Irda likes your name in any of the three, then you will get 10 thousand rupees for that one name. That is, you will get a reward of 10 thousand rupees per name. You have to send this name to IRDA before 10 July.According to the name information, these three products are suggested to have asked for the name of insurance policy focused on housing and small businesses in the standard fire-scandal and special disaster category. It has also been said to reward those who say proper and good names. Certificate will also be available along with cash award. According to IRDA, the names should be such that one can know about the product by reading or listening. The products whose name has been suggested by IRDA are intended to provide insurance protection to residential units and small businesses in the event of devastating floods.Petrol and Diesel prices increase again after one day relief, know how much the prices have become todayAlso Read: Atma Nirbhar Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Abhiyan: How to get work in ‘Self-reliant Uttar Pradesh Employment Campaign’? Know everythi

    July 19 is the last date, the last date for
    Irda to suggest the name of the three products is July 10. According to IRDA, the names of the products to be suggested include the first product housing insurance up to any amount, the second insurance for micro business complexes located at one place and insurance up to Rs 50 crore for small business complexes. Insurance is included.

    Corona Armor Policy is a great example
    . The policy brought by IRDA to treat the corona virus epidemic has been named Corona Armor Policy. At the same time, Irada has also informed about the phishing attack related to Corona virus. According to IRDA, all insurance companies and regulated entities are advised to alert their employees. They should tell them to take utmost care to prevent any such malicious activities.


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