Dubai Metro: RTA hikes minimum top-up fare for nol card to AED50


Starting August 17, the minimum top-up for Nol card at Metro stations ticket offices will be Dh50, up from Dh20, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) posted on X on Friday. However, this does not apply to commuters topping up their cards online.

“Starting August 17, 2024, the minimum top-up at Metro station ticket offices will increase to AED 50,” RTA said in the post.

Commuters should have a balance of Dh15 on their Nol card to cover a round trip on the Metro transit network.

As a prepaid smart card, the Nol card is used to pay for public transport across Dubai, including Dubai Metro, buses, trams, and waterbuses. It can also be used to pay for taxi fares, parking, entrance to Dubai public parks, Etihad Museum, and more than 2,000 shops, restaurants, and stores around the city.



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