Fear of obesity among children of working women


The problem of obesity at the young age of children across the world has also worried health experts.

Generations of children playing carefree in the field have been imprisoned in the drawingroom of the houses with TV and video games. Mobile, Internet and cable TV have done the right thing. At the same time, the new group of working parents has done the work of tempering in this problem. According to a recent research more screen time, Premature obesity is increasing in our children due to low physical activity and unhealthy eating habits. Based on their research, a team of scientists in Britain have attributed this to working women. This study claimed that children of working women are more likely to become obese. But the scientists also said that why should the mother alone be responsible for taking care of the children and caring for them? Parenting children is a shared responsibility of the family. In such a situation, we also need to change our perspective. Scientists say that this research has made it clear that even in a progressive country like Britain, working women are struggling to fulfill the responsibilities towards their children and they need help.

Scientists in University College of London research in the UK found that children whose mothers are working women are less active and more likely to fall prey to poor eating habits. is. Research also revealed that working fathers do not affect their children’s weight compared to working mothers. At the same time, women who single-handedly raise their children are 25 percent more likely to be overweight. Thus it is becoming clear that the working women are not paying as much attention to their children’s health and food habits as they should. Researchers said the biggest reason is that very few hands go ahead to help such women.

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Being a mother is equivalent to about 2.5 full-time jobs
According to a recent new research, home-makers working as home makers work for more than 97 hours a week compared to working women. In this survey conducted on school children and 2 thousand mothers in the US, the role of women was played in raising children, raising them, life coaches, getting homework done and playing with them and other important household chores. 47 percent said that they could not sleep at night due to child care. 62 percent said that they do not even have time to eat comfortably. 69 percent said that they would like to give more time to care for their children. According to his inflexible research of this weekly service of more than 97 hours, he gets a salary of at least six-figures. Accordingly, about US $ 100,460 annually (76,17, 982 rupees). Researchers called it parenting expense. For 70 percent of the mothers surveyed according to a full or part-time job, this amount has to be paid in addition to the regular salary for all the work they do.

A survey of 8500 people in the UK revealed that only 7 per cent of men were involved in household work. Only 7 per cent of men do household chores together. Actually, it is not a fight for equality between men and women, but a fight for equality. The study found that the majority of 93 per cent of British women do household work only. Even when both husband and wife are employed, women are five times more likely to spend more than 20 hours a week in household chores. The study revealed that men only verbally pretend to help at work. According to the study, men spend less than 5 hours a week doing household chores. Only 7 per cent of men do household chores with their spouse.



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