Financial disputes worth Dh98 million settled out of court last year in Ajman


Cases involved dud cheques, as well as economic, family, civil and labour disputes.

Financial disputes worth Dh98 million were amicably solved out of court in 2019, thanks to an initiative of the Ajman Police.

Brigadier Abdullah Saif Al-Matroushi, director-general of police operations at Ajman Police, said the initiative was launched early in 2016 to promote tolerance in society and  get financial disputes settled without referring them to the court.

“The community support centre implemented 22 initiatives in the first half of 2019 as part of its ongoing efforts to integrate the police into the community and deliver justice,” he added.

Brig Al Matroushi pointed out that the number of financial complaints received since January 1, 2019, until the end of December amounted to 24,112, out of which 7,029 cases were resolved amicably with a solution rate of 29.15 per cent.

Cases involved dud cheques, as well as economic, family, civil and labour disputes. He explained that the police strived to facilitate the settlements between the two parties in an amicable manner when one of them expresses  interest to solve the problem out of court.

Once both the parties agree, a pledge is undertaken and the case is not referred to the prosecution, he added.

Brig Al Matroushi underlined that the initiative aims to resolve disputes mostly worth large amounts of money.

Those accused in these cases are often not involved in criminal cases. They include traders and business owners.

“Through the initiative, we support the business owners to return to their ventures and continue their lives normally,” the officer said.

Brig Al Matroushi pointed out that the centre plays a major role in bringing about an amicable solution in social and family disputes to ease the pressure on courts. “All cases are taken seriously and special police officers study them thoroughly, while bringing the two parties on a common platform to offer them a remedy that would serve the interest of both,” he added.


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