For the first time in history, Diesel surpassed Petrol

  • Diesel Price goes up by 48 paise per liter
  • Diesel becomes 12 paise more expensive than Petrol in Delhi
  • Petrol Price Breaks After 18 Days, No Change
  • new Delhi. Petrol and diesel prices (Petrol Diesel Prices) are seen for the first time when the price of diesel (Diesel Price Today) has been higher than petrol. Today, with the increase in the price of diesel by 48 paise per liter for the 18th consecutive day, the price of diesel in the country’s capital Delhi (Diesel Price Hike) went up by 12 paise per liter. At the same time, the continuous increase in petrol price today caused a break. By the way, petrol price is more expensive than diesel from Rs 6 to Rs 8 per liter in all the four metros of the country. This change is seen only in Delhi, the capital of the country. Let us tell you that with the increase in diesel, in Delhi and Mumbai, diesel has become more expensive than 10 rupees in 18 days.According to the information received from IOCL , the price of diesel has increased , on June 24, the price of diesel has increased from 40 paise per liter to 48 paise per liter. The special thing is that this is the first time in these 18 days that this increase in diesel price has come down by 50 paise per liter. The price of diesel has increased by 48 paise per liter in Delhi, after which the price of diesel has been increased to 79.88 rupees per liter. Diesel prices in Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai have increased by 43 paise, 46 paise and 40 paise per liter respectively. After this, the prices in the three metros have been Rs 75.06, Rs 58.22 and Rs 77.17 per liter respectively.

    Diesel price increases in metros

    Metropolitan Increase in diesel (in paisa per liter) Diesel Price (Rs. Per liter)
    Delhi 48 79.88
    Kolkata 43 75.06
    Mumbai 46 78.22
    Chennai 40 77.17

    According to information received from IOCL, diesel has become more expensive than petrol, today no increase has been seen in the price of petrol after 18 days. Due to the increase in the price of diesel today, the price of diesel has increased by 12 paise per liter in the capital of Delhi. While in other metros, the price of diesel is less than the price of petrol. If you talk about Kolkata, then diesel is cheaper than petrol at Rs 6 per liter. In Mumbai this difference is more than 8 rupees per liter. Diesel in Chennai is about 6 rupees cheaper than petrol. Let me tell you that today you will have to pay the petrol price in the four metros of the country on Tuesday itself. Let us tell you that on Tuesday, petrol prices in the country’s capital Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai were Rs 79.76, Rs 81.45, Rs 86.54 and Rs 83.04 respectively.

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  • Difference between petrol and diesel prices in metros
    Metropolitan Difference in price of petrol and diesel (in rupees per liter)
    Delhi 0.12 (diesel is expensive)
    Kolkata 6.39
    Mumbai 8.32
    Chennai 5.87

    Diesel became more expensive by 10 rupees In
    18 days, till June 24, the price of diesel has become more expensive than Rs 10 per liter in all the four metros of the country. According to information from IOCL, while the price of diesel has increased by Rs 10.50, Rs 9.54, Rs 10 and Rs 9.99 per liter respectively. Talking about petrol, the national capital Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai have seen an increase of Rs 8.50, Rs 8.30, Rs 8.24 and Rs 7.50 per liter respectively.

    How expensive petrol and diesel have become so far

    Metropolitan Total increase in diesel (in rupees per liter) Total increase in petrol (in rupees per liter)
    Delhi 10.50 8.50
    Kolkata 9.54 8.30
    Mumbai 10 8.24
    Chennai 9.99 7.50


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