Golden Jubilee Celebrations of ‘Mar thomma Church in Oman’ Parish Commenced in Muscat


Muscat: Oman’s first Mar thomma Church ‘Mar thomma Church in Oman’ has started its Golden Jubilee celebrations in Muscat. Mar thomma Church Suffragan Metropolitan Right Rev. Dr. Yoakim Mar Kourilos Episcopa inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebrations. Parish Vicar Rev. Indian Ambassador to Oman Amit Narang was the chief guest in the conference chaired by Sajan Varghese. Member of Kerala Legislative Assembly Chandy Oommen MLA who participated in the inaugural function spoke to congratulate the MLA on the Golden Jubilee.

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Oman’s leading businessmen Dr. P Muhammad Ali and Kiran Asher were honored at the conference as part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations. Chief Pastor of the Protestant Church of Oman, Mitchell Ford, President of the Oman Cancer Association, Dr. Waheed Ali Saeed Al-Kharushi and prominent figures in Oman’s spiritual, cultural and social fields participated in the inaugural conference.

General Convenor Binu M Philip, Joint Convenor Philip Kurian, Sabha Council Member Prakash John Vaidyan, Bhadrasana Council Member Stanley V Sunny, Fr. Varghese Tiju Aip, Rev. Binu Thomas, Rev. M. Jacob and Binu Philip spoke. Oman’s leading businessmen Dr. P Muhammad Ali and Kiran Asher were honored at the conference as part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations.

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