Good News! Now you can easily adopt Saudi citizenship, Indians will be able to take advantage of it like this

Good News! Now you can easily adopt Saudi citizenship, Indians will be able to take advantage of it like this
Good News! Now you can easily adopt Saudi citizenship, Indians will be able to take advantage of it like this

Changes in Saudi Citizenship Law: A new type of information is coming to the fore regarding citizenship in Saudi. Actually these rules have been changed. This amendment made in the citizenship law is going to affect many people. Let us know what is the law and what has been changed in it?

Let us tell that many times it happens that expatriates going to work in Saudi marry a Saudi female citizen there. In such a situation, what will be the citizenship of their children now? Will Saudi give citizenship to the child born to them?

What does the new law say?

The amendment made in the law gives the answer to this. According to the new rule, if an expatriate marries a Saudi woman, their child can apply for citizenship after the age of 18.

How will Indians be benefited?

Actually Indian expatriates work in Saudi in lakhs. In such a situation, there are many such Indians who have married Saudi women. In such a situation, their children can get Saudi citizenship. After getting Saudi citizenship these children will get many such privileges which expatriates do not get.

What are the rules to be kept in mind while applying?

According to Article 8 of the Saudi Arabian nationality system, if an expatriate marries a Saudi woman, their child can apply for citizenship after the age of 18. However, for this some important rules have to be followed such as

  • Must be fluent in Arabic
  • permanent residence in the state
  • Must have good character
  • Imprisonment for an illegal act not exceeding six months

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