Happy migrant workers, new law implemented in Saudi, know now


Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced that the new labor law that will be enacted will now come under the National Transformation Program (NTP), which will tell the value of the laborers and owners working in all the private sectors. The introduction of this law will create good relations between all workers and their employer in Saudi Arabia and will also increase jobs in Saudi Arabia, which will also increase the trust between the worker and the owner. This will also boost the growth of Saudi Arabia, due to which the number of people working in Saudi Arabia will also increase.

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According to the Labor Reforms Initiative (LRI), non-owners in all the private sectors of Saudi Arabia will be allowed to work on their Exit and Re-Entry visas, without any permission of their own.

Let us tell you that this new law Labor Reforms Initiative (LRI) will come on 4 March 2021, it is a very happy thing for all non-citizens living in Saudi Arabia.

Today we tell you what are the benefits to non-owners in Saudi Arabia after this law:
1) The non-owner will be able to work in another place without the permission of the owner after the contract which he has done after finishing the work of the owner.

2) Non-citizens can go outside Saudi Arabia on an Exit Re – Entry visa without the permission of the owner.
3) A non-owner can leave Saudi Arabia without the permission of the owner, when he finishes the contract from the owner, he can leave Saudi Arabia only. The owner can inform its worker electronically.

4) If any of the owner and the worker breaks the aggression, then he will have to pay the fine.
5) Whatever service it will have, you can see “Abshar” application from your phone or “Kiva” portal.


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