Jeddah: Fraud on the grounds of providing free transport service to Umrah pilgrims from Jeddah Airport


Fraud on the grounds of providing free transport service to Umrah pilgrims from Jeddah Airport. Mistaking it as a government service, passports and documents are taken and cheated. Pilgrims including Malayali were cheated. The group traps Umrah pilgrims who come alone.

As pilgrims arrive at the airport, a costumed team from a leading transport company in Jeddah and Makkah will approach them with a free offer. After that the registration process will be completed by taking the passport and documents. They reply that it is recorded in this way because it is a free service of the government.

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When he left Makkah after performing Umrah using the service, he received a call from the travel owner who had fixed the visa from the country. It is now not possible to pay the bill amount. The defrauded pilgrim said that the decision is to proceed with legal action. Currently there are no free transport services available from airports or bus stations. Pilgrims who do not know this are trapped by scammers.

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