Link to ration card-Aadhaar to take advantage of ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’, know the whole process


New Delhi, Business Desk. Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan has said that the One Nation, One Ration Card scheme will be implemented by June 2020 in the entire country except some states in the Northeast. Under this scheme, you will continue to get ration material at concessional rates even if you go to other states for jobs or other reasons. Millions of people are expected to benefit from this. 

Identification of beneficiaries with Aadhaar / Biometric verification

This scheme has already been implemented in many states. Under this scheme, beneficiaries are to be identified through Aadhaar or biometric verification. If you also want to buy subsidized ration material, then you should get your ration card and Aadhaar card linked in time.

Ration Card-Aadhaar Linking process is simple

In such a situation, the question arises what is the process of linking ration card and Aadhaar card. This is a very simple process. Let us know what is the process of linking the ration card and Aadhaar number according to the Aadhaar card issuing organization UIDAI:

1. Get a photocopy of the Aadhar card and ration card of your family members. 

2. If your bank account and Aadhaar card are not linked, then take a photocopy of the bank’s passbook.   

3. Take a photo of the passport size of the head of the family and submit these documents to the PDS i.e. the ration shop. 

4. The PDS shopkeeper may ask you to verify the fingerprint ID. 

5. Once the documents reach the concerned department, you are notified by SMS or email. 

6. After the process of Ration Card-Aadhaar Linking is completed, you get information through SMS.

The purpose of linking these two documents

Through the Ration Card-Aadhaar Link, the government wants to ensure that a person has only one ration card. With this, the government will also be able to identify those people whose income is more than necessary to get benefits under PDS scheme. This will help in benefiting this facility to more and more eligible people.



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