Madinah mosque crowded during Ramadan; Lakhs of people come for night prayers


During the holy month of Ramadan, the mosque in Madinah is crowded. This year, the number of believers in Madinah Mosque will reach an all-time record.

Night prayers attended by lakhs of people have already reached the roads. With the rapid availability of various types of visas such as GCC, Tourism, Business and Visit, there has been an increase in the number of people arriving in Madinah.

Also Read: Ramadan rush: Special facilities for Umrah pilgrims in Makkah

During the first days of Ramadan, Madinah is very crowded. By the time Ramadan moves into its last ten days, most establishments in Saudi Arabia will be on holiday. With this, Madinah will witness the biggest rush in history this Ramadan. Various Imams had already been entrusted with the responsibility of leading prayers. A record number of believers participated in the night prayers after breaking the fast.


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