Pay attention to these things along with the normal diet and sufficient amount of liquid to keep fit.


Nowadays due to corona virus people remain skeptical about their health. In this context, health experts say that you can keep diseases away by keeping your immune system strong. For this you have to pay attention to some tips.

1. Start your day by adding lime juice to lukewarm water or lukewarm water. Drinking lukewarm water strengthens our immune system.

2. Taking steam in the morning and evening will give relief to the body as well as strengthen the immune system.

3. You can consume it by making detox water at home. For this, by filling water in separate jars of glass, one can take slices of lemon, some with mint leaves and some pieces of cinnamon, and detox water can be consumed. This will strengthen the immune system.

4. You can strengthen your immune system by making and drinking different types of decoction at home. For this, you can add black pepper, jaggery, cinnamon, basil leaf, turmeric, chakrafool, cloves, lemon juice etc. in boiling water. Almond intake also helps in strengthening the immune system. Therefore, while preparing the decoction, one or two almonds can be ground by adding it.

5. Do gargle by adding salt in lukewarm water at least once a day in the morning or evening.

6. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects body cells from damage caused by free radicals. This vitamin is an important part of the immune system. This is why this vitamin protects the body from various types of bacteria and viruses. Weakening the immune system means inviting various types of diseases. So do include fruits and vegetables with vitamin C in your diet. To get vitamin C, eat lemon, orange, kinnu, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, potato, tomato, green chilli, red capsicum, cabbage, etc.

7. While preparing lentils, vegetables, soups and other salty foods, add two to three black peppers.

8. Eat jaggery in place of sugar. This will supply the necessary iron for the body as well as strengthen the body’s immune system.

9. While making tea in the morning and evening, add some basil leaves to it. Basil helps in strengthening our immune system.

10 . Gooseberry jam also helps in strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it can be consumed from time to time.

11 . It is beneficial to eat seasonal green vegetables. These protect the body from various types of infections as well as strengthen our immune system. Because, the fiber found in them helps in maintaining the digestive system of the body.

12. Mixing different types of fruits and vegetables can make many types of smoothies. They are also a good source of fiber. These help to keep the immune system in order.

13. You must use ginger, onion, garlic in some form or the other in your diet. While making lentils and vegetables also use ginger, garlic and onion. Antimicrobial property is found in them.

14 . Drink water several times a day for a while. 

15 . Drink turmeric and a pinch of ground black pepper in the morning or at night before sleeping.  


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