Petrol Price Reaches Rs 87.62 in Aurangabad, Diesel Price in Jaipur Crosses Rs 80

  • Petrol Diesel Price rises for 17 consecutive days in four major metros of the country
  • Diesel Price In Delhi At Its Highest, Has Increased By Rs. 10
  • new Delhi.If you live in the metros of the country and you feel that you are buying expensive petrol and diesel (Petrol and Diesel Prices) compared to the rest of the states and cities of the country, then it is in the Gulf. Petrol and diesel prices in the country are highest in cities like Aurangabad (Jaipur) and Jaipur (Jaipur) but not in Delhi (Delhi), Mumbai (Mumbai) or Kolkata (Kolkata). If you talk about Aurangabad in Maharashtra, then the price of petrol there (Petrol Price Today) 85. Has reached 62 paisa per liter. While the price of diesel in Jaipur (Diesel Price Today) has crossed Rs 80. If we talk about the metros, then after the increase in the capital city of Delhi for the 17th consecutive day, the price has crossed Rs 79. At the same time, petrol price Hike is at the highest level of around 21 months. Let us also tell you how much the petrol and diesel prices have reached in your city.Petrol and diesel prices are highest in Aurangabad
    Today, after looking at the list of 42 cities recorded on the website of IOCL, the magazine, the business team of, discovered that on June 23, it was found that petrol and diesel prices were not the highest in the metropolis of the country. In fact, Aurangabad district of Maharashtra has the highest petrol prices. Today, the price of petrol has reached Rs 87.62 per liter here. While the price of diesel here is less than Delhi at Rs 78.85 per liter. After that, the price of petrol has gone beyond Rs 87 to Rs 87.48 per liter in Indore. The price of diesel is Rs 78.99. The price of petrol in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh is Rs 87.39 and the price of diesel is Rs 78.67.The highest prices of petrol in these cities

    city Petrol Price (Rs. Per liter) Diesel Price (Rs. Per liter)
    Aurangabad 87.62 78.85
    Indore 87.48 78.99
    Bhopal 87.39 78.67

    Source: Indian Oil

    If the price of diesel is the highest in Jaipur, then the price has gone beyond Rs 80 in Jaipur. Talking about the figures, diesel has reached Rs 80.21 per liter in Pink City. While the price of petrol has come to Rs 86.85 per liter. Talking about other cities, petrol has come to Noida at Rs 80.57 and diesel at Rs 71.66 per liter. While in Lucknow, petrol is priced at Rs 80.46 and diesel at Rs 71.58 per liter. In Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, the price of petrol has come down to Rs 78.55 and the price of diesel to Rs 77.18 per liter.

    Know the price of petrol and diesel in these cities

    city Diesel Price (Rs. Per liter) Petrol Price (Rs. Per liter)
    Jaipur 80.21 86.85
    Raipur 77.18 78.55
    Noida 71.66 80.57
    Lucknow 71.58 80.46

    Source: Indian Oil

    Petrol and diesel price increases in
    metros According to information received from IOCL, there has been a tremendous increase in the prices of petrol and diesel in all the four metros of the country. First of all, the price of petrol has increased by 20 paise, 18 paise, 18 paise and 17 paise per liter in the capital of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. After this, petrol prices in the four metros have gone up to Rs 79.76, Rs 81.45, Mumbai 86.54 rupees and Chennai 83.04 rupees respectively.

    If we talk about diesel in these metros, then Delhi has increased by 55 paise to Rs 79.40, Kolkata has increased by 49 paise to Rs 74.63 per liter. Whereas, with the increase in Mumbai by 52 paise and Chennai by 47 paise per liter, the price has been reduced to Rs 77.76 and Rs 76.77 per liter respectively.

    Petrol and diesel prices rise further in metros

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    Metropolitan Petrol increase (in paisa per liter) Petrol Price (Rs. Per paise in liters) Increase in diesel (in paisa per liter) Diesel Price (Rs. Per liter)
    Delhi 20 79.76 55 79.40
    Kolkata 18 81.45 49 74.63
    Mumbai 18 86.54 52 77.76
    Chennai 17 83.04 47 76.77

    Source: Indian Oil

    So gained in 17 days
    , according to information received from IOCL has been tremendous increase in the price of petrol and diesel in cities around the country. It is expected to increase further in the coming days. First of all, petrol has seen an increase of Rs 8.50, Rs 8.30, Rs 8.24 and Rs 7.50 per liter in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai, respectively. While the price of diesel has increased by Rs 10.02, Rs 9.11, Rs 9.54 and Rs 8.59 per liter respectively.

    How expensive petrol and diesel have become so far

    Metropolitan Total increase in petrol (in rupees per liter) Total increase in diesel (in rupees per liter)
    Delhi 8.50 10.02
    Kolkata 8.30 9.11
    Mumbai 8.24 9.54
    Chennai 7.50 8.59


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