Saudi Supreme Court called to observe the monthly birth


Riyadh: The Supreme Court has called upon Muslims all over the country to observe the new moon in Saudi Arabia. The Supreme Court on Saturday issued a notice to observe the birth of the new moon on April 8.

It has been requested that those who see the birth of the moon with naked eyes or through binoculars should report the information to the nearest court and testify and record the visible birth of the moon before the court. Ramadan fasting started on March 11 in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries except Oman. If the new moon is not seen on Monday, the 30th of Ramadan will be completed on Tuesday and the short festival will be celebrated on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia is gearing up for a short Eid celebration with fireworks, concerts and plays. As usual, this time too, a wide range of arts and cultural entertainment programs are being prepared under the Public Entertainment Authority. The authority has released a booklet containing details about the ‘Eidul Fitwar 2024’ celebration.

Also Read: Dubai promises magical Ramadan finale for residents and visitors

Various programs such as fireworks, concerts and plays are staged. Eid programs booklet can be viewed and downloaded through the link

Fireworks will be set off at 9 p.m. to celebrate Eid in all parts of the country. There are fireworks in Jeddah for two days. Dramas performed by many talents and art groups from different Arab countries will be staged. The play ‘Ayalkaran’ will be staged on April 14 at Muhammad Al Ali Theater in Riyadh Boulevard City. On April 13, Batterjee College Theater in Jeddah will also stage the play ‘The Red Box’.

On the 14th, the play ‘Jin’s Wedding’ will be staged at Al-Asala Theater in Dammam.
Also eight concerts will be held in different cities of the country. Riyadh Boulevard City will receive visitors on Eid days from 4 pm to 2 am and Boulevard World from 4 pm to 1 am. Public access to the ‘Waya Riyadh’ park in Riyadh Daraiya is from 8pm to 3am. Titled ‘The Best Holidays at Jeddah Promenade’, 10 days of Eid events will be held at Jeddah Promenade. ‘Your Eid among your family and people’ is the theme of this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations. It is part of a plan to improve communication and fill the hearts of Saudi people and visitors with joy.


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