Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Central Bank of Egypt

Central Bank of Egypt stabilizes interest rates despite the continued rise in inflation

The Central Bank of Egypt kept interest rates unchanged at its last meeting, despite continued high inflation rates. In its third meeting this year, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Egypt decided to keep interest rates unchanged,...

The Central Bank of Egypt withdraws 1.05 trillion pounds of bank liquidity to curb inflation

The Central Bank of Egypt withdrew a record amount of surplus bank liquidity in a historic weekly tender, with the aim of controlling inflation and lowering prices. The Central Bank of Egypt withdrew 1.050 trillion pounds from the surplus liquidity...

The Central Bank of Egypt eases cash restrictions for individuals and companies

The Central Bank of Egypt raises the maximum limit for cash withdrawals for individuals and companies from their bank accounts. Announce Egyptian Central Bank On Monday, the maximum limit for daily cash withdrawals for individuals and companies from their bank...

Central Bank of Egypt raises interest rates by 600 points to curb inflation

The Central Bank of Egypt's decision aims to absorb cash liquidity from the market and reduce demand for goods and services, which may contribute to reducing the inflation rate in the medium term. The Central Bank of Egypt held an...

Central Bank of Egypt issues regulations governing financing lease activity

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has issued some regulations governing the financing provided by the banks to the financing lease firms, Al Mal News reported, citing the (CBE). As per the new regulations, the total direct and indirect credit...

Egypt’s net foreign reserves rise to $35.249 billion at the end of January 2024

Egypt's net foreign reserves rose to $35.249 billion at the end of January 2024, according to what the Central Bank of Egypt showed on Monday. Egypt's net foreign reserves at the end of last December amounted to about 35.219 billion...

Latest News

Saudi Arabia registered 1,318 complaints against airline companies during May

King Fahd International Airport in Dammam ranked among the lowest Saudi airports in terms of complaints filed with the...

Saudi education continues with the three-semester system for the next five years

The Saudi Ministry of Education said that the next academic year will include a summer vacation period extending for 8 weeks, while adhering to...

Saudi Arabia announces scholarships for camel studies

The grant targets modern studies on camels, focusing on their historical, cultural, social, economic, environmental and health importance. She declaredMinistry of CultureIn cooperation withMinistry of...

Saudi Arabia officially announces the number of Hajj deaths and reveals the causes

During the Hajj period, more than 1,000 deaths were recorded, 83% of whom were not permitted to perform the Hajj, making it difficult to...

Saudi Sundos Jan climbs the highest peak in the Arab world

Sondos Jan says that climbing to Everest Base Camp is the most difficult trek she has attempted so far. Saudi Arabia is preparing, Sondos Jan,...