Monday, June 24, 2024


Pixar is restructuring its operations and laying off 14% of its employees

Pixar decided to restructure its operations and abandon content production for the Disney Plus platform to focus on film production, after a series of disappointing financial results for some of its recent films. Pixar, a subsidiary of Disney, announced restructuring...

UAE: Employees ask to work from home as vehicles remain submerged in parking lots

Many motorists’ worst fears came true when their vehicles didn’t start as rainwater seeped into engines after remaining for three, four days in submerged parking lots. In addition to applying for police certificates and follow-ups with insurance companies to get...

Amazon replaces 100,000 employees with 750,000 robots

The second largest private company in the world increases the number of robots it has to 750,000 instead of 100,000 employees Amazon is accelerating its use of robots, having deployed more than 750,000 robots to work alongside its employees. And...

UAE: Necessary for employees, new rule coming into force from January 1, 2022

The new rule is coming into effect from January 1, 2022. The new rule for federal employees in the UAE is going into effect from January 1, 2022. Now the employees will have to work only from 7.30am to 3.30pm...

Dubai’s RTA grants Dhs1.1 million to 100 insolvent employees

The Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has granted over Dhs 1 million to its insolvent employees as part of the Year of Giving innitiative. The RTA said on its Twitter, “About 100 employees of RTA have benefited from the...

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Saudi Arabia registered 1,318 complaints against airline companies during May

King Fahd International Airport in Dammam ranked among the lowest Saudi airports in terms of complaints filed with the...

Saudi education continues with the three-semester system for the next five years

The Saudi Ministry of Education said that the next academic year will include a summer vacation period extending for 8 weeks, while adhering to...

Saudi Arabia announces scholarships for camel studies

The grant targets modern studies on camels, focusing on their historical, cultural, social, economic, environmental and health importance. She declaredMinistry of CultureIn cooperation withMinistry of...

Saudi Arabia officially announces the number of Hajj deaths and reveals the causes

During the Hajj period, more than 1,000 deaths were recorded, 83% of whom were not permitted to perform the Hajj, making it difficult to...

Saudi Sundos Jan climbs the highest peak in the Arab world

Sondos Jan says that climbing to Everest Base Camp is the most difficult trek she has attempted so far. Saudi Arabia is preparing, Sondos Jan,...