Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, believes that the application should remain a “neutral platform” and not a “player in the geopolitical situation,” which makes it a primary competitor to similar applications.
Founder's prediction Telegram application, Pavel Durov, expects the number...
The app experienced a boom in new users after WhatsApp announced a change to its privacy policy.
The encrypted messaging app Telegram has raised over $1 billion by selling bonds to foreign investors, its Russia-born founder Pavel Durov said Tuesday.
Moscow: Messaging app Telegram will launch pay-for services in 2021, its Russian-born founder Pavel Durov said Wednesday, as the growing company needed "at least a few hundred million dollars per year".
"Telegram will begin to generate revenue, starting next year,"...
In keeping with the spirit of togetherness and sharing blessings during the holy month of Ramadan, Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will be...
UAE: Planning Europe trip this summer? Apply for your Schengen visa now
Traveling to Europe during the summer holidays has become a common affair for...
A revolutionary, fully automated, and hassle-free parking system is now in operation in select areas of Dubai, offering a seamless experience for motorists.
With no...