The approval of 22 Arab countries to establish the common Arab market for electricity


Attention is directed towards linking electricity between Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, with the possibility of connecting to the European continent via Turkey, Morocco via Spain, or Mediterranean countries such as Malta, Cyprus, and Greece.

The Director of the Energy Department announced At the Arab University Jamila Matar, on the approval of 22 Arab countries to establish the Arab Common Market for Electricity.

She explained in press statements, during the work of the Advisory and Regulatory Committee of Arabic market The joint meeting, at the headquarters of the Gulf Interconnection Authority in Dammam, said that the aim of this meeting is to prepare the advisory and regulatory committee for the Arab common market, in addition to the electricity system operators committee at the level of the Arab countries. These committees aim to enable themselves to carry out their responsibilities effectively once the Common Market Agreement enters into force.

Jamila Matar said that implementation on the ground requires some time, and needs infrastructure and institutions to implement the projects, pointing out that the European Union took more than 40 years to complete the electrical connection between those countries, stressing that the process of completing the common Arab market for electricity will not take 4 decades. She stressed that the approved road map by 2037-2038 stipulates the completion of all stages of the Arab Common Electricity Market.

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She stressed that the common market for Arab electricity will depend on regulatory, legal and legislative frameworks, and will include both traditional and renewable energy. She pointed out that there is a trend towards electrical interconnection between many Arab countries, with the possibility of connecting with the European continent through several paths.

She pointed out that the Arab countries will benefit greatly from the experience of electrical interconnection in the Gulf region. The electrical interconnection projects in the Arab countries are divided into three main sections: the Gulf electrical interconnection, which is considered the most successful and mature among the Arab countries, in addition to the eight interconnection group in the Middle East region, and the Maghreb interconnection region, which includes Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania.

In this context, it is also mentioned that there is a tendency to establish new electrical links, including links between Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is also striking the possibility of connecting with the European continent, whether via Turkey or Morocco via Spain, or via Mediterranean countries such as Malta, Cyprus, and Greece.



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