The Saudi Capital Market Authority approves the merger of AlAhli Capital funds


The Saudi Capital Market Authority’s approval of this merger does not necessarily mean approval of the feasibility of investing in the fund. Rather, it means that the company has met all the necessary regulatory requirements in accordance with the Financial Market Law and its implementing regulations.

The Saudi Capital Market Authority approved the merger of both the “Ahli Al-Ataa Gulf Equity Fund” and the “Ahli Al-Joud Gulf Equity Fund” into one fund under the name “AlAhli Gulf Growth and Income Fund.”

In a statement issued today, Monday, the Authority stressed the need for investors to review the terms and conditions of the new fund before making any investment decision.

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These terms include detailed information about the investment strategy and risk factors associated with the fund.

The Authority stated that its approval of the merger does not necessarily mean approval of the feasibility of investing in the new fund. It only means that the merger process was completed in accordance with the regulatory requirements stipulated in the Financial Market Law and its implementing regulations.



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