The spread of Internet use in Saudi Arabia has reached 99% of users


The percentage of use of operating systems for mobile devices reached 61.5% for Android, and 38.1% for “IOS”.

The prevalence of Internet use in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 99% of users during the year 2023, while domain use was distributed among both genders by 99.3% of males and 98.5% of females, according to the “Saudi Internet” report for the year 2023 issued by Communications, Space and Technology Commission.

The report reviewed users’ patterns and behavior in using the Internet, revealing the following:

  • 52.3% of Internet users in the Kingdom spend 7 hours or more daily using it, while 84.7% use it from home, 72% while commuting, and 43.4% from work sites.
  • Peak usage times during the day were set from 9 pm to 11 pm, while Friday constitutes the peak day of the week, and December also witnesses the peak usage during the year in the Kingdom.
  • The mobile phone was the most used device for browsing the Internet at a rate of 98.9%, followed by computers at a rate of 55%, then the tablet device at a rate of 39%, then other devices such as smart watches, gaming consoles, and book readers at a rate of 29.9%.
  • The percentage of use of operating systems for mobile devices reached 61.5% for Android, and 38.1% for “IOS,” and the percentage of use of computer operating systems for Windows reached 91.1%, and Mac at 7%.
  • The “Saudi Internet” report revealed Internet usage activities, the most visited websites in the Kingdom, and the percentage of use of browsers and mobile Internet packages used at 95.5% for government services and 73.6% for banking services.

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The annual report reviewed indicators of online shopping in the Kingdom, as the percentage of purchasing products or services via the Internet reached 63.7%, carried out by 55.7% of males and 74.6% of females, while the report included monitoring of the most widely used social media applications as well as voice and video calling applications. In addition to cloud storage services, the usage rate reached 71.4%.

The report confirmed the growth and spread of Internet of Things technology, with subscriptions reaching more than 12 million subscriptions, as well as the growth in the volume of Internet data traffic in the Kingdom to more than 42 million terabytes, with an average consumption of 44 GB per month of mobile Internet data per capita.

The Kingdom ranked among the top ten countries in using Internet Protocol version 6 with an adoption rate of 61%, with Saudi domain names growing to 57,000 domains during 2023.


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