The UAE determines the types of zakat and how to pay it


The Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa stated that zakat on money is obligatory on gold, silver, coins, and trade goods

Explain Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa, in a statement on the occasion of the solutions Eid al-FitrAl-Saeed, types of zakat on gold, silver, money, and trade goods, its conditions, time of disbursement, and legal disbursements for it.

The Council stated that zakat on money is due on gold, silver, coins, and trade goods, and it is as follows:

First: Zakat on gold, which is the specific amount that is paid as zakat on gold. Its quorum is twenty dinars according to Islamic law, and it is estimated from contemporary karats as the following:

(85) grams, 24 karat.
– (92.73) grams, 22 carat.
– (97.15) grams, 21 carat.
– (113.4) grams, 18 karat.

The Council explained that the amount that must be paid is a quarter of a tenth (2.5%), and that it is not possible to determine a fixed value for the quorum of gold, but rather its value is determined at the time of paying zakat according to the price of gold at the time when zakat is due.

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He pointed out that the time for paying zakat on gold is after the year has passed, which is (a full lunar year) over the quorum, and that the legal ruling on it is that it is obligatory on gold if it reaches the quorum and the year has passed, and it must be paid immediately without delay, based on what was stated in Sunan Abu Dawud, on the authority of Ali, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said:

“…and you are not obligated to do anything – meaning – in gold until you have twenty dinars, so if you have twenty dinars, and the situation It is due for a year, so there is half a dinar in it, or more. “According to that.”

The Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa confirmed that there is no zakat on jewelry (gold or silver) used for clothing and adornment. It has been proven that zakat is not obligatory on it from a group of companions, including Aisha, may God be pleased with her. Narrated by Malik in Al-Muwatta.

Second: Zakat on silver, which is the specific amount that is paid as zakat on silver. Its quorum is two hundred legal dirhams, and it is estimated from contemporary karats, according to the following:

– (595) grams, karat (99.9).
– (621) grams, caliber (95.8).
– (643) grams, caliber (92.5).
– (661) grams, caliber (90).

The amount that must be paid as zakat for silver is a quarter of a tenth (2.5%), and it is not possible to determine a fixed value for the quorum for silver. Rather, the value is determined at the time of paying zakat according to the price of silver at the time zakat is due, and the time for paying it is after one year has passed, which is (a full lunar year) for the quorum. It is obligatory for silver if it reaches the quorum and a year has passed, and it must be paid out immediately without delay.

The basis for that is what was reported on the authority of Ali, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said: “…If you have two hundred dirhams, and a year has passed, then Five dirhams.” Narrated by Abu Dawud.

Third: Zakat on cash currencies, which is the specific amount that is paid from cash currencies, including: the Emirati dirham, and its quorum is equivalent to: (85) grams of pure gold or more, and the time of paying it is after one year (a full lunar year) has passed over the quorum, and it is obligatory in If the coins reach the quorum and a year has passed, they must be taken out immediately without delay, and the basis for that is the saying of God Almighty:

“Take from their wealth charity to purify them and purify them thereby” (Al-Tawbah: 103), and what was reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, “that the Prophet May God bless him And he said to Muadh bin Jabal, may God be pleased with him, when he sent him to Yemen: “Inform them that God has made it obligatory on them to give charity in their wealth.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Fourth: Zakat on trade goods, which is the specific amount that is deducted from the value of trade goods, of various types, such as: goods, equipment, cars, stocks, lands, and real estate. Its quorum is equivalent to (85) grams of pure gold, which is 24 karat, and its amount is a quarter of a tenth. (2.5%), and it is graduated after the passage of a year, which is: (a full lunar year) over the quorum, and it is obligatory in trade offers if they reach the quorum and a year has passed, and if the lender has various offers;

He pays all of them, and pays zakat on them, and they must be paid immediately without delay, and the legal basis for that is the saying of God Almighty: “Take from their wealth charity to purify them and purify them thereby” (Al-Tawbah: 103), and what was reported on the authority of Samurah ibn Jundub, who said: “As for what follows, then… The Messenger of God May God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He used to command us to give charity from what we prepare for sale.

” Narrated by Abu Dawud, and what was reported on the authority of Abu Dhar that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “…and in “The fine is his charity.” Narrated by Ahmad. (And clothing: clothes).

The Emirates Council for Shari’a Fatwa explained that the legitimate recipient (beneficiary) of zakat on gold, silver, coins, and trade goods are the eight categories mentioned in the Almighty’s saying: “Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who work upon them, and whose hearts you will reconcile.” And for slaves and debtors, and in the cause of God, and for the wayfarer, an obligation from God, and God is All-Knowing. Wise” Surat Al-Tawbah, verse 60.



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