Top 5 best jobs in UAE


Many jobs are in demand in UAE, famous for Burj Khalifa, Hajar Hills, Sharjah Art Museum, Sheikh Zayed Mosque, big sports fields and desert.

There are many opportunities for the youth in Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Data Scientist, Digital Marketing Expert, Banker, Medical Doctor, Cyber Security Engineer, Software Engineer and Human Resource Department. If you have skills related to these jobs then UAE is for you and by applying here you can get a job at a great package. In this article we are telling about the top 5 jobs in UAE.

1- Digital Marketing Expert:-

Due to the rapid rise in the field of technology in the last decade, companies are doing digital marketing through social media, internet and other digital mediums, due to which their customer reach has increased a lot. This is the reason why there is a demand in UAE for youth with understanding of digital marketing skills. If you are also planning to settle in Dubai by learning digital marketing skills, then you can take help of Master Digital Marketing course of

Salary: 40,000 dinars

2- Artificial Intelligence:-

When AI first came in the market, people thought that it would cause employees to lose their jobs and unemployment would increase but AI did not affect human roles much. Today, AI is being used in sectors like traffic control system, government department, healthcare, education in UAE. Therefore, there is a huge demand for AI experts here. If you are an expert in Artificial Intelligence then UAE can be a great job place for you.

Salary: 32,000 dinars

3- Data Scientist:-

Nowadays every company needs a data scientist. If you are a Data Scientist expert then you can apply for this post in various companies in Dubai. For Data Scientist, it is necessary for the candidate to hold a Golden Visa. Emirati citizens can also work in data scientist positions after being nominated by the Royal Court authorities.

Salary: 32,000 dinars

4- Investment Banker:-

Investment bankers tell you where to spend your money and how you can earn more money. The demand for investment bankers has increased a lot in UAE after the oil crash, digital economy, pandemic and global market deterioration. People who are financial experts can make a great career in UAE.

Salary: 45,000 dinars

5- Medical Doctor:-

Like any other country, doctors are in huge demand in UAE too. Their demand has increased further after the Corona epidemic. The UAE has spent a lot on medical infrastructure. If you are also a doctor and want to work in UAE, then you can get jobs in various medical expert posts like specialist, surgeon, consultant etc. in UAE.

Salary: 33,000 dinars


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