UAE announces fuel price hike for third consecutive month


Abu Dhabi: New fuel prices for the month of April came into effect in the UAE. While the price of petrol has increased, the price of diesel has decreased. This is the third month in a row that petrol prices have increased. The highest petrol price in six months has been announced in April.

The new fuel rates have been released by the Fuel Pricing Committee in the UAE. As per the new price in April 2024, Super 98 petrol will cost Dhs 3.15 per litre. In the month of March, Super 98 petrol was priced at AED 3.03 per liter in the UAE. As per the new price, special 95 petrol will cost Dhs 3.03 per litre. Last month, Special 95 petrol was 2.92 dirhams.

The price of E-Plus category 91 petrol liter has been raised from 2.85 dirhams to 2.96 dirhams by the UAE Fuel Price Determination Committee. The UAE Fuel Pricing Committee has revised the price of diesel from AED 3.16 to AED 3.09 per litre. The UAE Fuel Pricing Committee stated that the price of a barrel of oil has increased significantly in March 2024 and the petrol pricing changes are in line with the trends of the global oil market.



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