UAE cop on trial for hiding liquor bottles in patrol car


He was aiding bootlegging gangs for money.

A police officer is standing trial at the Sharjah Criminal Court for helping transport liquor to bootlegging gangs through an Asian agent for a good amount of money.

According to investigations, the police officer, the first accused who works with the Sharjah Police, used to hide the liquor bottles in police patrol vehicles and helped the middleman take them to a safe place. The agent, the second accused, was responsible for negotiating with the bootleggers the money to be paid to the police officer.

During the hearing, the first witness said that he interrogated the police officer about the liquor bottles found in his vehicle during patrol. The accused confessed that he was involved in the illegal activity of transporting alcoholic beverages and had covered it up as he was being paid for it, the witness said.

However, the police officer denied all the allegations in the court, saying that he was forced to admit to the charges during interrogation. He said he had never dealt in bootlegging business. The police officer pointed out that the second accused had threatened to set him up in several crime cases, as he had good relations with many CID officers.


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