UAE landmarks to light up in Bahraini colours tomorrow


Key landmarks in the UAE will light up in Bahraini national colours as the country celebrates Bahrain’s National Day on December 16.

UAE’s airports will be decorated with Bahraini flags, and passengers from the country will be welcomed with flowers and souvenirs.

The UAE and Bahrain share historic ties dating back many decades. The political stance of both countries towards regional and international issues “are always the same”, state news agency Wam said.

Both countries are keen to support “GCC, Arab and Islamic causes”.

“They also follow a clear policy aimed at establishing the foundations of stability, peace and tolerance around the world.

“Their regular mutual visits related to all sectors and their social interactions in many joint events also reflect their solid bilateral ties,” Wam said in a report on Tuesday.

In 2000, the relations between the two countries progressed further with the establishment of the ‘UAE – Bahrain Joint Higher Committee’.

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This committee is responsible for the implementation of the strategic visions of their leaderships to face regional challenges and reinforce their political, military, commercial and cultural ties.

The economic cooperation between the two countries, especially in recent years, reflects the close bilateral coordination between their economies.

The UAE and Bahrain have signed several economic and commercial cooperation agreements, which increased the value of their trade to Dh28.7 billion in 2019.

Agreements pan exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes; standards and quality assurance; and agriculture. An agreement to implement renewable energy projects between Bahrain’s Supreme Council of the Environment (SCE) and the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (MASDAR) was also signed.

The two countries share a mutual heritage and a similar cultural identity. They have signed agreements related to heritage. Under this framework, the UAE has been supporting a project to restore heritage buildings in Bahrain.



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