UAE lifts drone ban: New regulations for hobbyists and professionals


The United Arab Emirates raised United Conditional Ban on Use Individuals to drones, in a move aimed at enhancing community safety and encouraging innovation in line with the UAE’s vision to improve the quality of life.

The Ministry announced Interior, In coordination with the General Authority of Civil Aviation, the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, and other relevant authorities, individuals will be allowed to operate drones within specific safety and regulatory conditions.

According to UAE media, details of the requirements and regulations can be accessed via the UAE Drones app and the official government website.

How the system works

The unified national platform for drones will facilitate registration and operation processes, contributing to achieving the UAE’s ambitious vision “We the Emirates 2031”.

To ensure safe, secure and environmentally friendly development, while addressing citizens’ concerns about privacy and data protection, the General Civil Aviation Authority has established a comprehensive regulatory framework for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) operations in the UAE.

Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2022 regulating the civil use of drones and related activities aims to ensure the safe use of drones while maintaining the security of the UAE’s airspace.

Air Navigation Services for Drones

It also regulates and monitors drone air navigation services, effectively manages drone operations, standardizes systems and procedures, and reduces associated risks. The law also defines the responsibilities and powers of relevant authorities.

There are two main categories of UAS users in the UAE. The first category is individual or private users, who fly drones for fun or as a hobby. The second category is organizations or operators who use drones for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Flight conditions

Recreational users of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones must adhere to specific regulations.

These users can only operate drones weighing 5kg or less and must fly them in approved areas as shown in the My Drone Hub app, specifically within green zones.

Before flying a drone, users must register it with the General Authority of Civil Aviation. Drones can only be flown during the day and in good weather conditions, and must be used strictly for recreational purposes, not for commercial activities.

Drone inspection

Drones must be inspected before flying and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. They are prohibited from flying near public or private property, within 5 km of airports, helipads, airfields or controlled areas.

Users must also maintain a direct wireless control link with the drone and adhere to specified frequency band restrictions.

Additionally, drones must fly within line of sight and cannot exceed 400 feet above ground level. Cameras can only be used in designated flight areas and must comply with relevant privacy laws.



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