UAE: New unified licence to allow medical professionals to work anywhere in the country


The UAE is set to launch a unified national platform to provide licences for healthcare workers, a top official at the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) said. This streamlined licensing process will enable medical professionals to work anywhere in the country’s public and private healthcare facilities.

“This is a national project in the health sector, consolidating efforts from health entities across the UAE into one platform. Currently, each entity licenses health professionals based on their own requirements. With the new system, we aim to unify these processes, reducing repetitive requirements and standardising procedures,” said Alla Mansour Yahya, acting director of the Licensing and Accreditation Department at the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP).

Although the exact rollout date of the platform has not been announced, Yahya confirmed that it will be launched soon. She highlighted that they are working with the health entities, and the initiative is in its final stages and will be implemented soon.

Yahya highlighted that the unified platform will significantly reduce the time and effort required for health professionals to obtain their licences. “This will allow professionals to easily practice across public and private hospitals in the UAE, facilitating seamless transitions and improving efficiency in the healthcare sector,” she added.

The National Platform for Unifying Health Professions Licenses targets health sector stakeholders, including facility owners, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, allied medical specialists, and technical staff. The platform is expected to enhance the user experience and expedite licensing by standardising licensing procedures and minimising repetitive processes.



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