UAE’s Government announces public school registration dates for the 2024-2025 academic year


The Emirates Schools Establishment, UAE’s government body operating public schools, has announced that public school registrations for the academic year 2024 – 2025 will be open from Monday, March 4, until March 15, 2024.

The registration will be open for the following categories of students from all emirates, from kindergarten to twelfth grade:

1. Newcomers, or students joining for the first time

2. Students who want to transfer to a public school from a private one

3. Students who want to transfer to a public school from a school outside the country


– Applications will only be taken if they are submitted within the period mentioned.

– All data in the application and documents must be accurate.

– The school selected must be within the geographical area of the student’s residence.

Registrations can be done through the ESE website or through the mobile app.


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