Woman to pay Dh8,000 for blocking husband’s social media accounts

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The wife denied the charges and affirmed that she was the owner of the social media accounts of the massage centre.

An Arab woman has been ordered by the Ras Al Khaimah Misdemeanour Court to pay a fine of Dh5,000 for denying her husband access to Instagram and Snapchat accounts of a massage centre that he owns.

She was also asked to pay Dh3,000 to her husband in compensation for the moral damage he suffered as a result of her acts, which included sharing his mobile number with customers without his consent.

As per the prosecution sheet of charges, the defendant managed to change the password of the Instagram and Snapchat accounts of a massage centre her husband owned, and threatened to delete them.

The wife denied the charges and affirmed that she was the owner of the social media accounts of the centre. “I created them long ago in 2014 before the opening of the centre.”

She added that her husband, who did own the centre, appointed her as a manager of it, and therefore, she shared the two social media accounts with the centre’s customers.

The husband told the court that his wife threatened to post his name as a manager of the centre to discourage women customers when he warned her about some administrative and financial violations he discovered in the massage outlet.

She also changed the password of the two accounts so that he no longer could access them. “She shared my mobile number with the centre’s customers which caused embarrassment to me and resulted in loss of customers.”

The report of the criminal data analyst assigned by the court substantiated that the wife did change the password of the centre’s social media accounts which her husband owned so that he no longer had access to them.

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The wife’s defence lawyer told the court that the social media accounts have been created by her client three years before the opening of the centre which she owns. “Her husband was only a service agent,” she told the court.

However, the court found the wife guilty of illegally blocking the social media accounts of the centre her husband owned and shared his mobile number with the customers without his nod.

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Accordingly, the wife was ordered to pay a fine of Dh5,000, along with a compensation of Dh3,000 to her husband, and court charges.


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