Worker-employer disputes can be resolved online in Saudi Arabia


Riyadh: The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has announced that labor disputes between workers and employers in the country can be filed online at labor offices. If the cases so submitted are not resolved within 21 days of the first session, the labor offices shall electronically submit the case to the labor courts.

Further status of the case will be received by both parties as an automatic message. The Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development has emphasized that the electronic service for amicable resolution of labor disputes will enable electronic filing of labor disputes between the employee and the employer at the earliest stage.

An amicable settlement will be the first attempt. If possible, mediation will be conducted to reach an amicable solution that satisfies both parties. Failing that, the case will be referred to the Labor Court within 21 working days from the date of the case. The Ministry has made the friendly settlement services fully automated through its official website, including electronic filing of cases and service to review formalization of cases. This system enables the plaintiff and the defendant to see the details of the case before the date of hearing.

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It also allows for reconciliation sessions. The Friendly Settlement Division of the Ministry will specialize in receiving labor dispute litigation related to employment contracts, wages, rights, occupational injuries, compensation, dismissal and imposition of disciplinary penalty on the worker.

The service will be available at the Labor Office having jurisdiction over the place of employment and the Settlement Office having jurisdiction over the case. Text messages and emails will be sent to all parties involved if the lawsuit is accepted. All parties in the case will also be sent messages informing them of the hearing date details. If the complainant fails to appear, the case is adjourned. He has the right to re-open the same case within 21 working days thereafter.

In case the accused does not appear in the first session, his services with the Ministry will be suspended and the date of another session will be fixed. If the respondent’s absence is repeated, the worker can transfer his services to another employer without the consent of the current employer (the respondent) and the case will be referred to the labor courts.

However, in the event that both parties reach a settlement, the minutes of the settlement will be prepared and made available through the Claims Service. If there is no agreement, the case will be transferred to the Labor Courts after the second session. The dates of the sessions will be decided later by the Ministry of Justice and the case will be considered closed in the conciliation section.



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