This weighty fish is pure gold


We all love goldfish, right? Those tiny creatures that look so adorable and adorn your fishbowl? The orange looking variety seems to be the most common, though it is also seen in other colours.

But, and here’s the catch, what if this visual delight turned out to be big — yes, you heard right — big?

That is, what if it weighed nine pounds? That’s a solid 4kg?
That’s what happened recently. A nearly 10-pound pet fish was reportedly found in Oak Grove Lake in Greenville, South Carolina.

According to a report, the creature was found during a fish population survey at the lake.

Ty Houck, an official with Greenville County Parks, said a lake specialist conducting a study was “electrofishing” which stuns fish and causes them to float to the surface.

That’s when the giant goldfish — along with a 4 1/2-pound large-mouth bass — was found in the lake. Houck said goldfish aren’t native to South Carolina’s lakes, nor are they considered invasive.

The goldfish was released back into the water.

How did the goldfish become so big? According to a TV station, one woman, Sunny Dickert, has come up with an explanation. She says she and her friend, Jacob, threw two fish into the Oak Grove lake about two and a half years ago.

Dickert said she got the fish from a store and her mother did not want them in the house.

She thinks the fish that was recently found is the one she released. She said it’s the same lake, and the same colour, and doesn’t think many people have released goldfish into this lake.


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