Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Why women pay Dh6,000 for this 125-km desert trek in UAE

60 women to embark on 125-km trek from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain from Friday Dubai: As many as 60 women from 24 nationalities are set to embark on a gruelling five-day trek from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain this...

Dubai warns pharmacies against increasing face mask prices

Consumers should immediately file complaint to Dubai Economy in case of any price hike ALSO IN THIS PACKAGE Coronavirus: Countries evaluate evacuation of citizens in virus epicenter China rushes to build 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital Coronavirus update: UAE doctors well equipped...

Authorities warn against spreading rumours about coronavirus in UAE

Dubai Police clarify about training video being used by people to spread virus rumours ALSO IN THIS PACKAGE Coronavirus: China orders 'unprecedented' lockdown of cities at virus epicentre Coronavirus: How to protect yourself, others Hundreds infected, 6 killed: Human transmission...

Family of four with coronavirus in UAE will be discharged in 14 days

The condition of the family is good. They are stable,' says top UAE official ALSO IN THIS PACKAGE Chinese mask factories ramps up production to meet worldwide demand Coronavirus by the numbers: As of January 29, 2020 China rushes to...

Coronavirus: DED warns pharmacies against hiking prices of face masks

Residents told to file complaints if prices are increased. The Department of Economy in Dubai (DED) has called on all pharmacies and retail outlets not to increase the price of face masks and nose covers. The department said it is illegal...

Coronavirus in UAE: Debunking the rumours

Don't fall for rumours floating around on social media. The first cases of coronavirus were reported in the UAE on Wednesday, when a family of four was tested positive for the infection. The family is now stable. However, the news...

Coronavirus cases announced in UAE: This not a drill

The fears have, unfortunately, come true. The country's ports were on full alert even before cases were detected. 'Are the rumours true, Albus?' Professor McGonagall asked that of Professor Dumbledore in the opening scene of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's...

Advisory: Nuclear plant test in Abu Dhabi today

The test will run for 30 seconds to test the performance of the sirens. Abu Dhabi issued an advisory for residents on Tuesday regarding a 'strong noise' alert on Wednesday. In a brief statement issued today, the Abu Dhabi Media Office...

Suqia awards $1 million for global water crisis solution in Dubai

The award honours people, entities who have dedicated their efforts to address water scarcity. At the second edition of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Water Award on Wednesday, 10 winners from eight countries shared the prize money of...

Coronavirus in UAE: New case in Dubai? Ministry responds

The four people in UAE who were confirmed to have been infected yesterday are in quarantine. A senior official with the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has confirmed that a viral video purportedly showing another case of the...

Latest News

Saudi Arabia registered 1,318 complaints against airline companies during May

King Fahd International Airport in Dammam ranked among the lowest Saudi airports in terms of complaints filed with the...

Saudi education continues with the three-semester system for the next five years

The Saudi Ministry of Education said that the next academic year will include a summer vacation period extending for 8 weeks, while adhering to...

Saudi Arabia announces scholarships for camel studies

The grant targets modern studies on camels, focusing on their historical, cultural, social, economic, environmental and health importance. She declaredMinistry of CultureIn cooperation withMinistry of...

Saudi Arabia officially announces the number of Hajj deaths and reveals the causes

During the Hajj period, more than 1,000 deaths were recorded, 83% of whom were not permitted to perform the Hajj, making it difficult to...

Saudi Sundos Jan climbs the highest peak in the Arab world

Sondos Jan says that climbing to Everest Base Camp is the most difficult trek she has attempted so far. Saudi Arabia is preparing, Sondos Jan,...