Crown Preinc Salman wanted to kill Saudi King Abdullah? Surprising disclosure of former officer

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Al-Jabri warned Prince Mohammed bin Salman through this interview that he has a video that reveals many secrets related to the royal family and intelligence related to America.

RIYADH: A former senior Saudi security official, who helped oversee joint counter-terrorism efforts by the US and Saudi Arabia, has accused the country’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Before his father became the Shah, there was talk of killing the then Shah.

However, former official Saad Al-Jabri did not give any evidence to support his claim in an interview given by ’60 Minutes’ aired by ‘CBS News’ on Sunday. Former intelligence officers are currently living a district life in Canada.

He alleged that in 2014, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had said that he could kill King Abdullah. At that time, Prince Mohammed was not in any important role in the government. After the death of King Abdullah, he was replaced by King Salman in January 2015.

Al-Jabri warned Prince Mohammed bin Salman through this interview that he has a video that reveals many secrets related to the royal family and intelligence related to America. Al-Jabri (62) said, ‘The Crown Prince will not keep silent until he sees me die because he is afraid of the information I have.’

Al-Jabri called Prince Mohammed bin Salman a ‘psychiatry, a murderer’. At the same time, the Saudi government told ‘CBS News’ that al-Jabri is “a disgraced former government official with a long history of fabricated stories and diversions to hide his criminal crimes”.

Is. The government has requested al-Jabri’s handover and issued an Interpol notice alleging that he is wanted on corruption charges, while al-Jabri claims that he acquired the wealth during his service to the Shahs. is of.



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