Dubai airport of Middle East country UAE becomes the world’s busiest international airport


Dubai Airport: Another achievement has been added to the name of Middle East country UAE. A large number of travelers from all over the world visited this country which has expanded tourism. Due to this, Dubai International Airport has become the busiest airport in the world. Know how many crore people traveled by air in a year. This information was given in a program focused on ‘Dubai Eye’.

According to the information, the number of passengers traveling through Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, last year was much higher than the year 2019, just before the Corona virus epidemic. Paul Griffiths, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Airports, shared this information in a program on government radio station ‘Dubai Eye’ on Monday.

‘DXB’ has recovered from the pandemic crisis

Figures for the year 2023 show that the airport, known as ‘DXB’, has recovered from the pandemic crisis, although the figure is still behind the all-time high of 2018. According to the data, 8.69 crore passengers traveled through the airport in 2023, whereas in 2019 this figure was 8.63 crore. If we talk about 2018, this year 8.91 crore passengers traveled from here, which is the highest figure before the pandemic.

Know how many crore people traveled to the airport in 2022?

6.6 crore passengers will use this airport in the year 2022. A large number of passengers fly to India, Saudi Arabia, Britain and Pakistan from this airport. Russia is also a big market as Dubai is one of the few destinations open to Russians during Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

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