Dubai cleaner steals cheque book, withdraws Dh10,000

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Defendant charged with illegally obtaining Dh10,000

Dubai: A cleaner went on trial at the DUbai Court of First Instance after he was accused of stealing a cheque book from a British manager while cleaning her apartment and withdrawing Dh10,000 from the account.

The 27-year-old British woman testified that she called a cleaning company to provide a cleaner for her house.

In January this year, the 29-year-old Filipino cleaner arrived at the apartment at Al Barsha areaand left the apartment with the cheque book.

“She stole the cheque book and used one cheque leaf. She filled the details on the cheque and withdrew Dh10,000 from my account,” the victim said in records.

After reporting the incident to Al Barsha police station, police arrested the woman who admitted to stealing the money.

Dubai Public Prosecution charged the defendant with stealing the cheque book, forging an official document, using it to illegally obtain Dh10,000 from the victim.

The next trial is on April 28.

The defendant is under police custody.

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