Dubai police arrested 280 suspects Whatsapp drug delivery service


Dubai: Dubai Police has arrested 280 people suspected of trying to sell illegal drugs and intoxicants through WhatsApp delivery service. The suspects were arrested during an anti-crime campaign conducted between June and December in collaboration with the Center for Economic Security.

The practice of the accused is to send messages to customers through WhatsApp and promote the sale of hashish, crystal meth, painkillers etc. After the sale is confirmed, the buyer has to transfer the money through the bank. Then they are buried in some desolate places. Major General Eid Thani Harib, director of anti-narcotics department, said that they used to share the GPS location of the place where the prohibited drugs were buried with the customers. 

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The accused also sent messages to those who were not in need. It encourages the public to use illegal drugs. 118 kg of prohibited drugs were seized through the campaign conducted from last June to December. Find the defendants by not interacting directly with the customers. It was a competition.

Those who have received money through bank account by checking information on social media Found out. Emirate for businessmen and children to open bank account It is also clear from the investigation that they were using TS ID. Mai. 810 suspicious bank accounts identified by Financial Security Center Rich knew. Between June and December there is a relationship with medicine. 600 dormant WhatsApp accounts have been blocked.


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