Dubai worker jailed for molesting girl in parking lot


Defendant claimed he accidently touched the girl

Dubai: A Bangladeshi worker was sentenced to three months in jail for touching a 10-year-old Emirati girl inappropriately while she was sitting inside her mother’s car outside a supermarket, a Dubai court heard on Wednesday.

An Emirati mother was with her daughter shopping in November of last year when the defendant carried her goods to her car in the parking lot.

“He was putting the goods in the truck and told me that he will put the egg box in the rear seat where my daughter was sitting,” said the mother.

“He returned back and I moved the car when my daughter told me that he touched her right breast for few seconds and she was scared,” the mother added.

Upon hearing this the mother chased the worker and questioned him before he asked for forgiveness and offered to let her slap him in the face.

“He didn’t admit to what happened but he kept saying sorry and that I should slap him and let him go,” the mother added.

However, Dubai Police was called and the defendant was arrested.

He claimed that he put the egg box on the girl’s lap when he accidently touched her body.

However, the court ordered to deport the defendant after serving his jail term.


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