Enjoy movies at Mall of the Emirates drive-in cinema in Dubai


Watch a movie from the comfort and safety of your own car.

Enjoy movies at Mall of the Emirates drive-in cinema in Dubai (https://images.khaleejtimes.com/storyimage/KT/20200513/ARTICLE/200519467/H1/0/H1-200519467.jpg&MaxW=300&NCS_modified=20200513122237An old fashioned solution to very modern circumstances, the drive-in cinema is making a comeback at Mall Of The Emirates with a private function tonight, as the property and VOX Cinemas take the movie-going experience outdoors.

With social distancing measures keeping traditional theatres closed for the foreseeable future, a large screen has been assembled in the shopping centre’s upper parking lot (level 3 near Ski Dubai) in front of which patrons will be able to take position, switch off their engines and settle in for some silver screen action all while observing sensible practices to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wednesday’s kick-off will be an invite-only event from sunset where Iftar will be served to every car before the Will Smith vehicle Bad Boys For Life begins rolling at 7.15pm. It is at this gathering a full future schedule of films available for public viewing and booking details should be announced.



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