Matthew Perry gives “FRIENDly reminder’ following loosening of lockdown restrictions


The Friends actor emphasises that nothing has changed when it comes to coronavirus

Friends actor Matthew Perry on Friday reminded everybody that coronavirus is still there and the opening bars and restaurants, due to loosening of restrictions, does not mean that it is “safe.”

The 50-year-old star put out a “FRIENDly reminder” on Instagram and emphasised
that nothing has changed when it comes to coronavirus and that it is “still very
much with us.”

He added: “Just because bars and restaurants are opening up, it does not mean
that they are safe.”

The Friends star, meanwhile, is keeping the Instagram users engaged with sneakpeak of things he has been doing to keep himself busy amid the coronavirus crisis.

He also showed off a plate of delicious cookies he baked along with some details
about his quarantine outfit of choice.

Recently, Perry joined scores of other Hollywood celebrities and addressed his
white privilege. He expressed his wish to be a “better” ally for the African
Americans who have faced racism in the United States.



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